Nature rules in a garden. When winter is coming you need to be ready. But you never know before. Last year it was 20th of november, when we got the first snow. So I'm looking at the weather forecast very much right now. It's difficult to say what it is going to be like. Sometimes they say it will be sun or frost, but it always changes. Best is just to open the backdoor and feel what the weather is like. Last weeks I've been trying to do as much as possible when it wasn't raining. It's a pity. I'm close but not ready yet. Of course some jobs are never ending, like the weeds. I need to make priorities now. The frost is coming close now so there are other jobs more important now. All the batteries (like the grasrobot) need to go inside for protection, to keep them running next year. Also the garden furniture is important to get in (or to cover), garden pots to be empty and move some plants who aren't really hardy enough for winter. They will be transported to my friends house in the neighborhood, where the temperature will be kept on 10 degrees.
I'm so happy I still can see a lot of flowers in the garden. The Asters, the grasses and the Pimpernel are still going strong. Even the Amaranth and Tobacco's are still there, colorful as always.
Last months I've been cutting the grass weekly for many hours. I used the gras to cover and feed the bottom. Also I've been weeding as much as possible, as long as my hands don't get too cold. The time the temperature is above 7 degrees it keeps growing, the roots even longer. So when you try to weed as long as possible you will have less to do in spring. I tried also to reorganize the parts who were growing out of control. Once I started with very small plants who are ready to split now. Sometimes a garden part needs some replanting because they are disturbing each other. It's very wet now so it's easy plantingtime, no need for a lot of watering. Only the midgets and aggressive mosquitoes are still there 😢.
Recently I started with cleaning the gras from leaves, later I will cover the soil with leaves, to protect the plants for frost. Good for the grass and good for the plants. I even try to keep some less hardy plants outside, with some extra cover. Biggest problem is not always the frost but more the wetness. I saw some plants are starting to go for wintersleep and disappear, so I can't see them anymore (They will be back next year). That's the signal for stopping replanting, the rest is for next year spring.
Also I have been collecting seeds (in my garden and others gardens) for next years seeding inside. Or preparing plants for winter. Sometimes they need some pruning, some extra chalk, new pots or just to be marked. I planted some perennials in pots, they will be planted in the garden again so they don't freeze. Some annuals I want to save in wintertime to make some cuttings in early spring. Some will stay inside at my place. Some will stay at my friends empty home.
In the end also the new compost is finally nearly ready again, it was a heavy job. The last part is to make it a little deeper but the water is too high right now, so I will make it next spring. We used all the fresh made compost everywhere in the garden to fertilize the ground. We covered the old compost area better. That one is nearly ready to use, good news for next year. You can see that all the plants in the compost area are growing like hell. Even the (too) small potatoes we thew away last year did very well. They gave a very good harvest!
Last week they came already with the wintermarking. And soon we are ready for winter too (Though we have to change tires first next weeks). We will see when Winter will come in. Would be nice with a real winter, snow from december till Mars with sun and blue skies and after it just spring again 😄.
Don't be afraid, we won't be bored next weeks. We have some plants inside to take care off. My Geraniums are doing quit well, they flower like crazy ones. I have to fall in love with them. I can start making winter decorations and prepare for Christmas Time. It's good to go inside for some weeks, enjoy the warmth at the fireplace and take some rest.
After that? I can start dreaming and planning for next seasons again...😜
Psst... Do you know what it was like at this time some years ago? You can take a look here 😍.