Sunday, 10 February 2019

Blue Zone in Småland Sweden?

Been away to the Netherlands for family circumstances... but now I'm back in Sweden. Starting up my own life again...

Recently I read an article in a Dutch magasin, it made me very happy. I'm a lucky one: I'm very living in a blue zone in the south east of Sweden in Småland 😃.

What is a blue zone? They say it is a area where people on the average get older as in the rest of the world. Most important reasons for this are:

  1. Eating a lot of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and not that much meat
  2. There is a good social control, as it was in the old days
  3. Every one is daily active (even older people)
  4. Because the location (a little isolated) the habits doesn't change that quick

Some newspapers in Sweden and de Swedish broadcast on TV and radio already some made articles and programs about it some time ago. It is because in this area are relatively living more people above 100 years as in the rest of Sweden, it can even compete with some areas in the world (as you can read above).

Maybe Sweden can be a popular area to travel to for a digital detox. They have lots of nature where you can meet yourself again without any disturbances. You can find detoxing travel experiences on internet to Northern Lapland. Recently they made a film in the Netherlands. "Go to Sweden and have a digital detox....."

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