Thursday, 21 September 2023

Closed for the season


The season to visit the garden is finished now, no more opening times this year. Time to get out all the sunscreens and furniture and start preparing the garden for winter. I'm happy a lot of flowers are still showing their best, even when heavy rains are falling down. But you can imagine they would be more beautiful in the sun without storm and rain. 

The annuals who totally broke down...

This week it was suddenly very stormy at night, with heavy windcasts. Totally unexpected. Many flowers were broken brutally and some plants got a severe damage. The tomatoes started rotting after all this rain and the round we made out of annuals was totally destroyed. That's why we already started cleaning up all stuff. So we have been busy already when it's dry outside. And what about the gras, it is growing soooo fast 😲... It feels like I can keep on going cutting the gras. When I'm finished at one side I can start at the other side.....

Never the less we hope to see you back next year. There will be Tusenträdgården (a thousand open garden event in Sweden) again (beginning of July), of course the Land Open garden (half of July) and the Lingonställen Västra Småland (beginning of June and September). 

For now we like to thank you for your interest and visits this season. I hope you will keep following our garden adventures on the countryside, even in wintertime. It can be fun too 😊.

PS: Beside of that, I've got new information about the lady who lived here for a long time. She was really very special. I will tell about her later (when my gardenjobs are done). See you back soon!

Friday, 8 September 2023

Extra open garden 9 & 10th of September 2023


Suddenly some short summer again 😎, not as warm as The Netherlands of course....but at least the sun is shining and we see some blue skies again. Today we reached even 27 degrees. Very nice, because  soon it's Christmas again 😂.

So we decided to open up the garden again for this weekend. The garden is still in good shape and showing late summer flowers and the waterlevel went down a little again (enough to make walking around possible without wet feet). I've been baking today to have some fresh cakes with special tastes to serve tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to meet you soon 😊


PS: Take your chance to visit the garden now, it's the last opening this summer season.