It is still wonderfull in the garden. Allthough it have been very warm dry weeks. Now it's not longer allowed to water the garden and there is a firestop as well (so no BBQ and open fire anymore because of the firerisk). That means the grass has turned dry and yellow. The plants in pots survived till now because will have been carrying lot of watercans, even in the plantmarket at the streetside. It's a dilemma too, I want to be carefully with water too. But when all plants die I can close the garden for this year...
The lovely Finnlandrose -you see above- is already finished. A little quicker as normal, because of the heat. But now the peonia's started flowering, it's parfum is very strong and impressive. And what about the Papaver "Pattys Plum". All around the daisies (alias "prästkragor") are flowering, like they used to around Midsommar. It's unbelievable we reached the longest day again. But before I start thinking about Christmas I want to enjoy the summertime even the days will get shorter and darker.
Till now it looks like we managed to keep the hare out, at least not all the plants are eaten like last year. We are happy for that because we spent a lot of time to make chicken wire around the total garden twice ((the first round seemed to be not high enough or the hare learned how to jump 😜).
Next weekend, the Midsommarweekend we will be closed for celebrating ourselves. We wish you a very happy Midsommar!