Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Following natures steps


I'm so happy I found the first Snowdrops end of February. They are the symbol of hope, awakening and spring expectations. Did you know their names in other languages? In Dutch they are called "Sneeuwklokjes", in German "Schneeglöckchen, in French Perce Neige, Snøklokke (Norvegian) or Snödroppe (Swedish). It's called like this because of the flowering in snowy times and it has the form of a bell. The bells wake up the other plants after winter. 

Last week I found the next winter flower. It's called a Winteraconite, Wintergäck (SE), Winteraconiet (NL) or Winterling (German). 

You could feel spring coming closer. Very blue skies, the sun already warming earth and the birds whistling. We even had a coffee outside (with a very warm jacket on) but we had the chance to load our battery with vitamines. But sometimes nature makes two steps forward, one back. From spring feelings back to winter. Suddenly we are totally back in winter times. We got lots of snow today, more then 20 cm. It teaches you to be flexibel. Just anticipate. So back inside again. 

Already started gardening inside some weeks ago. The first things were some old seeds, maybe it worked out, maybe not. Actually it was too early but they had nothing to loose. Otherwise they would be thrown away anyway. The next I started with was some kitchen herbs like Citron Basilicum and Koriander. Always nice to have. It kept me busy in winter time, preparing for the season with some green -what I like to do so much. I can loose my self in working with plants, I simply forget the time.

Some of the old seeds came out anyway. So now I've got some extra plants of Nicotiana Lime,  Dianthus and Mirabellis Jalapa. The last one we call in Dutch "Nachtschone", Four o'clock plant (in English because it opens after four), Wunderblume (German), Underblomma (Swedish) or Belle du Nuit (French). The last name I like the best. They are beautiful, they have nice colors and a flagrancy to attract evening butterflies. But sometimes it's a pity they flower best at evening times. 

Others are still in the try out fase. Like Papaver Patty's Plum and Helianthus Citron. Waiting on the kitchen floor to come out. The Petunias I just started with because I couldn't wait...

The positive thing in nature is the circle of life. In winter all the plants look like they have died. But they actually took shelter inside earth. The autumn provides the plants with leaves falling down. They protect all plants and animals in the ground during winter time, to come back later. So don't take away all the leaves!

When you tried sowing something and it didn't work, you always get a new chance next year. It a good feeling to take care about something. After winter always follows spring. But you never know when exactly. You just have to follow. Go with the flow. Nature is the boss. (Though people often think they can manage nature.)

What will be next steps? It looks we will have severe winter next weeks, with strong frost. So I'm happy we got some snow, it will protect the flower buds which were already growing. The Magnolia I protected myself with some extra bubble plastic. 

I will keep you updated next weeks what happens!