Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Autumn Time in Sjöbygget Garden Småland


Some work to do next weeks... About 60 wheelbarrows with leaves to carry away? For now it's still looking nice, when the sun is there you can feel the yellow color warm your eyes and body. But when we leave the leaves like this, the lawn will disappear totally in one winter. I think the owners before just left it for years so all the grass was gone we we arrived. Now we have been trying to create more green around the trees successfully, but you really need to take away the leafs every year. The positive parts? I will stay fit without an boring inside gym and we make some extra nature compost out of the leafs by conserving them in my backyard. 

Just before the first forst came (last week), the Morning Glory plant (Ipomea) was still flowering overwhelming. They had a very difficult start after sowing because it was to dry to grow, even with watering the seeds and the small plants. After a lot of rain late summer they started growing very quick and overtake the time they had lost before, because they are annuals. Next year I will have more....

Since they cut down a lot of trees in our backyard in spring, we are still celebrating the extra light we have got. Special in late summer and autumn it was already very dark in the garden. And now? We still have sun evening time in the house, even when the sun goes down more early. We are still very happy with the light, it's like a present. 

Other late flowering plants in my garden right now are the Heleniums and the Asters. These weeks we are fixing some of the the last garden jobs (like weeding and grass cutting), before temperatures are getting under 7 degrees. At that time the plants stop growing, at the same time it will get to cold for your hands to work in the soil. There are some other jobs you still can fix, like carrying wheel barrows, composting or pruning. So we will go on working outside for some weeks (if the weather is ok), while the robot has already started the winterstop and his parked inside (to take care of the battery). 

Only some weeks left for the gardening season. I have to prepare to go inside now. In 9 weeks it's Christmas Time. Nearly time to go inside...