Every one is welcome to see our new created garden. We have been working in it from 2015 to rediscover. It is our dream to open up a showgarden with grandma's plants and a typical Swedish trädgardskafe. It will be some later, because of Corona, but we came so far yet. So we are very happy to show the result of hard working in the old garden till now. Beside of that, we try to fint out in the old archives about the old school days. We have been looking for old pictures and renovating pictures. When some one knows about former days? We like to hear your stories or to see the pictures.
We like to invite all interested people. We want to Open our garden this year already for a sneak preview, despite of Corona (it is a pity the Swedish Land open garden 15-7 was cancelled). All of this is outside, no problem when we clean our hands and keep some distance, or?
Of course we will sell some coffee, tea and home baked cakes to have a nice fika somewhere outside in our garden. Everything is arranged till now, hopefully it will be nice (=dry) weather too!
We are prepared, are you ready to come and visit us? You will find us outside of Vittaryd on the way to Skällandsö (Bolmen). Hope to seen you soon!
Do you want to know about last years special (Swedish Tusen Trädgården) Open Garden, you can find more here Tusen Tradgarder 2021.