Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Time for sowing and growing

Finally, nearly spring... a little late this year. Inside I have been busy already. I bought some special plants at the Botanical Garden in Göteborg. They have been inside for some weeks now and started growing very well. They need to go out soon. But they need to get used to the lower temperatures first.So they will move downstairs to the hall and get outside daytime, to get used to it. After a week they will be planted outside.  

I have been very busy sowing in a very small but sufficient greenhouse in my room upstairs. The plants are doing very well also. They have beautiful names in English, such as: Grandma's Sweethearts, Peony Poppies, Limegreen Tobacco plants, Aster and Hollyhocks. But for now they have to wait a little more... because it has been snowing this morning, again 😟

But after this, it will be busy times in the garden. Like it is every year. Except we didn't have the sow the new grass anymore like we had to, last year. Don't you remember?

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Spring is coming soon: Crocus time in Småland Sweden

The landscape is still looking like after winter, its very brown. Just now there is a warning for "grassbrandrisk"(grassfire risk). But the garden is already wakening up very quick. When you look carefully you see things coming out again. Also the deer in my neighborhood noticed. So we had to make some protect for the fresh leafs coming out. Already for weeks we hope spring will come soon. Every week we think next week will be less cold, less winter. We managed the biggest part from winter, the last steps are always most difficult. It challenges your patience again. But maybe next week?

We have seen already the snowdrops coming through the wintercover. We took it off last week in the total garden. We did some pruning of bushes and trees. We planted some now trees. We checked of the plants had survived the severe winter temperatures for some weeks. It looks like most of the plants managed to get through, except those in the barn. We'll be sure next weeks. We were lucky because we had a lot of snow (it isolates), it good have been worse. 

It's Crocus time now in Småland, but they will be finished soon. We wait for some more sun and higher temperatures. It's getting better but feeling cold. We will wait for the yellow Påskliljor (Narcis), Blåsippa (Hepatica) and Vitsippa (Anemone)..... It's Eastern soon, have very cosy days together with your beloved ones.  It will be spring one day too!

Last year this time  we were very busy with repairing the garden after the sewer disaster.... I'm very happy that's far behind now 😇