Thursday, 30 January 2020

Big friends in the garden

Plastic in the tree
In wintertime our friends from the woods (mostly the deer and the hare) are often looking for food in our garden. That's not a big problem in autumn because the plants will die for wintertime anyway. But at the end of wintertime, when my plants are starting to grow, it's not that funny. Because they like to eat all the freshly new made green tops from plants getting ready for spring, so they cause a real damage.

Protection for deer damage
 The best way to protect your garden for animals like that is to make a fence on 1.80m high. But our garden is a little too big for that, beside of that we don't want to live in a fence ourselves😉. Partly we also like that animals around us, it's nature and they need food also. But when spring is coming we want to reduce the damage a little bit, you will see it whole summer. Or even worse, when they eat the top out of the tree, it will never have the form of a tree anymore.
Now we try to protect our plants with chicken wire around the small green tops, as far as the not have been eaten yet... Also we taped bigger plants with plastics (something we saw in the woods because they damage young trees also), so we hope they don't like that plants any more.
We hope it will work, we cross our fingers... But maybe some one has good advice?

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Groundwork in the garden in Småland Sweden

It is heavy and a lot of work to repair the garden after they renewed the sewer in our garden in Oktober last year. They destroyed the lane (grass) and the driveway. But worse of all, we have a lot of clay and stones in our garden. I didn't know there was clay, till now it was only sandy acid soil. So I assume it came from a lower level.
What a mess: in the middle the new tree room sewer well
At the same time it is a very warm and wet winter, so a got some extra ponds in my garden. Also in the area they have been digging. On that places the water won't go down but keeps on the surface. That's why we try to dig in the ground to open the soil for drainage. We also try to equalize the ground so we can sow grass again in spring. But that is a very heavy job, it will take some time to fix it (we are not the youngest people anymore😉).
Next weeks we will go on with this project. Till now it has been the warmest winter since a long time. When it stays like that we can sow grass as soon as possible. Around the sewer wells we will create a flower border to cover the wells. They are awful to see (not only as a garden lover) so we started to higher up. Maybe we can cover them in some way.

Monday, 13 January 2020

New year, new dreams & new chances

Skål! This year 2020 is the beginning of anything you want... For us it will be the year of making dreams come through. To live the life we would love in the middle of nature, with respect for nature. A little bit back to basic. Less is more. We like to share our happy feeling with people around us, who ever they are. We like to show that the luck is in the small things. It doesn't cost anything to be friendly. You do not need much, only something to do, something to love and some dreams...
We wish you all the best this year, greetings from Peter and Brun form Småland Sweden.