Saturday, 13 October 2018

Have you ever heard of Brittsommar?

Last week I read about Brittsommar in Sweden. I really didn't know what they are talking about. I thought it was a sort of celebration day for something of some one. They also have Kanelsbullens Dag on the 4th of October. So why not another special day?

I was really close. The Swedish Weather Forecast says there is Holy Birgitta who thought the climate in the North was so cold and hard that she prayed for the people living there. God answered he will give some extra summer days around Birgittas day on 7 October.

This name is only known in Sweden. There's not an exact definition but for the Swedish Weather Forecast it is necessary the warm and sunny period (over 20 degrees) follows a period of autumn like weather and lower temperatures around the 7th of October. Only this periode can you call Brittsommar. Like Indian Summer in the USA and Canada.

Well I can tell you, we had a real Brittsommar in South Sweden this year, it was very sunny with 20 degrees. What a wonderful week in Autumn. I like it!

Lake Flyxen on the 13th of October

Really warm 20 degrees, a real Brittsommar

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Can you eat this chantarelle? Toptips!

Chantarelle? Wright or wrong?

One of the most asked questions when people start picking swamps. Is this one eatable? Or is it toxic? It's fun to go into the woods in Sweden, a lot of people do. Chantarelles are my favourites, they are really delicious to eat. Only bake it with some butter, peppar and salt.

Tips to recognize a chantarelle:
1. the colour is light yellow (not orange)
2. your can smell aprikos
3. the lamels don't stop on the stalk
4. it is not round like a pancake

So the left one is the wrong one (but it is not toxic), at the right the one you can eat!