Friday, 20 July 2018

Wild flower bouquet

I just picked it in the garden. What a nice colors, just growing naturally beside of my garden in the middel of Småland. What a luxury!

Sunday, 15 July 2018

DIY Very tasteful black current syrup

You have to try this current syrup in 20 minutes!

In our garden we have 5 black current bushes. We think they are all ready very old but they still give a lot of berries. This year even more as last year, about 8 liters. Last year we pruned them a little, we took they old branches out, to make them some younger. You really could see that because the berries were some bigger, despite of the very dry summer.

We make black current syrup of them. You can find the recipe below. Really tasty as a drink with some cold water or as a syrup in a yogurt. Last year we put some berries on brandy, but the taste was a little to strong for us. But we added some syrup and then you get really nice black current liquor. You need to drink it soon, otherwise the sugar will be converted to alcohol again. Skål!

Making of...

Black Currant Syrup

Black Currant Liquor

Recipe Black Current Syrup
1 liter black current berries
2 dl sugar
4 dl water

Just cook the berries with water and sugar for 15 min maximum. Take them out through a siev, throw the pulp away en put the syrup in a bottle as hot as possible. Close the bottle, turn it upside down and you can save it for at least some months.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Summer heat in Sweden

It's really very very very warm in Sweden. It has been over 30 degrees for a lot of days.
We started to have siesta some days ago because it is too warm to do anything. Only in early morning or evening time you can do some things...

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor summer heat

But also a lot of people had no water left in their waterwell. They had to take a bad in the lake, get some water from the lake to flush the toilet and buy water to drink and cook.
The level of the water dropped down about a meter below normal level.

Most severe were the fires in the forests all over Sweden. Some days it were 80 at the same time. That's quit serious when you know that most of the people are living in wooden houses. Sweden was very happy we got much help from other countries in Europe.
It was not longer allowed to make open fires anywhere r have a grill in your own garden, not even electric or on gas. You would get a big penalty! We were very happy nothing serious happened in our neighborhood.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor grillförbud sverige