Here in Sweden you find the popular belief that all witches come together with their brooms on Maundy Thursday. They fly together to Blåkulla to party with the devil. Blåkulla is a very small island at the west coast of Sweden. The celebrating of Easter starts with Maundy Thursday. The witches believed they got all delicacies, but in real they got frogs, worms and toads.
The story comes from the witch processes in 1600 to the present. The witches became now “old Easter Witches”. They can be children, who are dressed up as witches with broom and soot on their faces. But also woman together laugh about it together, they ask each other when to leave. I like the story very much. Maybe I once was a witch, who knows…
Den bild av häxan blev skapad ur 1600-talets häxprocesser, via romantikens och industrialiseringens tider till idag. Häxan har blivit påskkärring. Det kan vara ett barn utklädd med huckle, kvast och spisrosor på kinderna. Men också kvinnorna skrattar tillsammans och frågar varandra när man ska åka ditt. Jag älskar verkligen denne historia. Kanske jag var Påskkäring förr, vem vet…