Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Lot of mushrooms

This is a special year for mushrooms, in my garden. There are so many of them, everywhere. I can see all colours, all flavours and all sizes. Where ever I look I can find them, what a surprise of nature. The best I like is the red one. You can see them change in some days. Like they were just painted, so nice colours. It's a pity they are quit dangerous...

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Flowers from Holland

It was really a good idea to take with me all sorts of stuff for flower arrangements and a lot of small plants. It is really expensive here in Sweden. More then three or four double prices. Unfortunately it's not possible to take fresh flowers from Holland as well. Then you have to pay 250% taxes! That's a pity...

Det var en riktig bra ide att ta med mig mycket artikler att laga blomster arrangement och små sticklingar. De är riktig dyr här i Sverige. Mer än tre eller fira dubbelt priser. Tyvår, det ar inte mojligheten att hamta frsik blomster från Nederland. Då må du betala 250% skat! Så synd...