Saturday, 14 September 2019

September feelings in the garden

Love these flowers: Sanguisorba Blackthorn
It feels more wet again, it can be very cloudy and rainy all of a sudden. It can be very sunny, getting even little warm. A lot of mushrooms showed upp already. You can smell autumn i coming in. But the plants, the grass and the weeds, they are doing very well. Not too hot not too cold, enough water and temperature to grow a little more.

Atalanta on the Helenium

It keeps growing and growing...

lots of orange berries this year, they say it will be a cold winter...

Good times for having high tea inside, with grandmothers soft pepparkake cake, warm and tasty

September light, dark clouds and sunny in Sweden

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Special tree that Juniper

Foto: Pixabay
Sometimes you see tree sculptures in the Smålands landscape. The coniferous trees or shrubs Juniper (or Juniperus Communis in latin or En in Swedish) is often seen in Småland Sweden. Mostly when they harvest the wood in Sweden, they leave the juniper behind. You really cannot mis them. I don't know yet if that has a reason....

I already found out that the oldest one ever found in Sweden (in Sarek National Park) was 840 years old. It can become 14 meters high and 1,5 meter wide. It is a very common tree in Sweden but it is protected in The Netherlands. I think because there are not that much left in the Dutch natural landscape anymore.

It is a small tree or shrub. It delivers special berry, which are not berries but a sort of pine appels. It takes tree years to grow and become blue. joke: when all the berries are ripe you can get all you wish.... (it will be never)

But did you know it has very special stories too?

From long times ago they believed the plant could protect against ghosts around the house, the stable and even around the accres to protect the harvest. It was also used to burn in the chimney or to clean rooms which were not warm in wintertime, to smell more nice and keep away the mold. The bark was often used to cover the floor and the branches for the smoking of meat and fish.

The trees is still very useful today. They use it as a part of medical supplement, to stimulate the kidney function, to clean the liver, to drift moisture of or to lose weight. But don't start eating this tree pure. Maybe you bought some bathing oil, big chance there was Juniper in it.

The berries (or actually pine appels) are used to make gin and aquavit. Or you can still use it when you make a special marinade for wild or sauerkraut. You can still buy it in the supermarket.
So I think it is a very special tree that old when you see one, think of this story 😇